Thursday 30 January 2020


In The Morphology of The Folk Tale, Vladimir Propp identified common themes and character types. Propp argued that stories are character driven and that plots develop from the decisions and actions of characters and how they function in a story.
He claimed characters could be classified into certain roles that progress a story.
For instance, with reference to Charlie's, Nathan's and Max's film:

"Our protagonist undergoes a journey of discovery in our short film: his initial representation is a confident, self-contained and rather superficial man embarking on his early twenties with a comfortable lifestyle afforded by a secure place in society. However, unsettling experiences unexpectedly unnerve him as he encounters a whole world of poverty, insecurity and hopelessness. His appearance changes as he plunges into experiences that he cannot explain or handle.

The corner shop is a familiar feature of every urban high street. It a place that usually excites no alarm. However, in our film, it is the location where our protagonist experiences an initial uncomfortable and inexplicable experience."

Wednesday 29 January 2020


We researched how film is regulated in the UK, in order to decide the correct rating for our film, by studying the BBFC website

All UK films are given an age rating by the BBFC.

The BBFC's focus is on helping children and families choose well by providing them with the guidance they need to help them choose what’s right for them and avoid what’s not.
The BBFC’s classification standards reflect people’s current views and expectations and their decisions give due weight to what people find acceptable for each age rating.

When these consultations find significant changes in people’s expectations, they adjust their standards and criteria accordingly.
Their standards are published in the BBFC’s Classification Guidelines.These give details of what’s acceptable in each age category from U to R18, and explain the laws and principles that govern our work.
The BBC has two over-riding principles, which are as follows:
  • To protect children and vulnerable adults from potentially harmful or otherwise unsuitable content
  • To help children and families choose what’s right for them and avoid what’s not
We used a template and edited it to reflect our film, Extinction.

Friday 24 January 2020


In November, you had a list!

The order of posts relating to your film treatment:

1. Initial development / mind mapping /  brainstorming
2. Top line and Big Question
3. Film Treatment ALSO
4. Shot list
5. Storyboard

I learned  from Frank Ash, creative consultant with the BBC Academy, about what he call 'digital storytelling' : how to connect to an audience by creating a relevant story and how to leave them with a sense of anticipation and suspense.

When I start to plan my own Advanced Production, I will be devising a top line (one 'elegant sentence' that sums up the film opening treatment) and deciding on the big question (what happens next?).

Wednesday 15 January 2020


PREP by next Wednesday 23 Jan
Your research into the film website genre starts by collating a range of film websites of different genres in order to identify genre conventions. You do this in Pinterest (or!).  Most films include the genre conventions below. You then narrow down your research to study film websites similar to the genre of your own production. Identify 3 similar websites that you analyse. PUT THIS ON YOUR FILM WEBSITE PAGE

Best website design

Look at some of the best film websites. 
Check out this site If Oscars Were Given To Movie Websites.
Movie websites, especially ones for animated movies and action blockbusters, rely on interactive elements to engage visitors.

PREP by next Monday 28 Jan

Analyse 3 film websites drawing attention to genre conventions. SlideShare presentation.
See the FILM WEBSITE page on this blog for genre conventions.