Wednesday 8 July 2020


CIE recommend specific trailers as good examples of their kind:

3.2 Advanced Level Brief Option 2: Film Promotion package 

Film Trailers 

At Advanced level the key to an effective film promotion package is the level of attention to detail. Research is paramount in establishing ‘how the professionals do this’ and would recommend the following as initial exemplars of effective film trailers: (Cloverfield 2008) (Birth of a Nation 2016) (American Sniper 2014)

CIE recommend identifying how trailers do the following:

When you analyse Film Posters 

1) identify the written codes like the title, the tagline, placing of the star talent, the billing block, release date
2) identify how layout and mise-en-scene has been used effectively in a poster: decide how the poster has prioritised the images. What is central to the poster image  / the key image? 
3) mise en scene: how do background images reinforce the narrative or genre or marginalise certain other characters? 
4) what is the colour palette used and how has colour been used to create effect? 
5) how have graphics and font been used to promote the production company and link the products from the package? Where are these positioned? How has colour on the fonts been used to distinguish between different elements of the written aspects of the poster? 
6) what is the narrative contained in the film poster (and perhaps links to the trailer content) 
7) how are the film's generic conventions signalled?