Monday 14 December 2020


When you have half an hour in the holidays, perhaps doing a run and feel in the mood for a podcast, here is one to listen to from THE MEDIA SHOW:

Week Monday 14 December POSTER

Week Monday 14 December


Tuesday 8 December 2020


Breaking news! New for your internal examinations: your REVISION CALENDAR on the school portal. Click each image to open.

Monday 7 December 2020

Week Monday 7 December FILM WEBSITE

Use WIX to create your film website. Consult the class blog page here.

Your film website will have convergent links to your FB, Twitter, Instagram. You should be building up images and video clips like the students did for CONNED

Your film website needs to work hard for you so maximise its reach and customer engagement in the way that the BAIT film website does. Can you create any appropriate merchandise, as Bait and Sorry We Missed You do, to extend the film's life and reach?

While you think about your A2 film promo pack, cast your mind back to your AS Foundation Production. In your answer to the CCR 2 on how you would distribute your film, are you sure that you mentioned a film website with convergent links?