Friday 22 January 2021


Friday 22, Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 January 2021

CIE at this stage expect to hold exams so we continue as normal. Your coursework is important evidence of how well you are doing.

On Friday, we go through any unfinished business in the Foundation Production (your film opening brief).

On Monday and Tuesday, and then on the subsequent Friday, we continue with our Advanced Brief, making any adjustments that are inevitable.

Every lesson will be on live GoogleMeet so that you can exchange ideas with me / your team. I have asked you to work on your film website first. You have all (bar one) sent me the url so that I can see your progress and offer suggestions.

The poster: in class we went over the challenges of the size, the font, the layout and the billing block. Track your work with a record under the PAGE called FILM POSTER