Monday 30 September 2019


Short Film festivals have given me a huge amount of inspiration, practical tips, understanding about the short film festival circuit and even how to present an award-winning treatment.
From The Edinburgh Short Film Festival 2019:
An article written by Lee of Shore Scripts offered a range of practical tips about submitting films to the short film circuit but as we are more at the stage of deciding our treatment, the advice that struck us most forcibly was the third point here: "Make sure that the film has something to say and the film will take the viewer on a journey."

The Edinburgh Short Film Festival website also included an inspiring model of a film treatment by Ben Tricklebank
Emmy winner Ben Tricklebank's treatment for his short Young Man's Game is here. The presentation of the treatment inspired me with its clarity and organization. 
It was organised into sections:
  • The story
  • The film (several images)
  • Cast
  • Location
  • Wardrobe

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