Monday 12 October 2020

Week Monday 12 October: the week before half term



Stuart Hall: watch the short presentation on the powerful ways in which the media shapes ideas about represention. Stuart Hall: Race, Gender, Class in the Media.

Hall questions the idea that the media does have complete power over audiences to shape their understanding: he breaks with the presumption that the masses are 'dumb', passive and instead suggested that people may question media narratives. He asserted that some may accept unquestioningly the dominant meanings embedded in the media, some may negotiate them, others outright reject them.

Where other media theorists argue that messages are imposed from above, Hall said that power is not as simple as that. He saw pockets of resistance that undermine dominant media narratives: think of the bloggers of Tunisia, the graffiti artists of Brazil, # Black Lives Matter. Hall went further: he suggested that we seek out stories elsewhere "in the lowly, despised spaces of knowledge" like soap opera, gossip mags, the music video and avoid the formalised spaces that house official discourse, like the news.



PLANNING:  INSPIRATIONAL FILMS / GENRES A post about films or directors that have inspired you in this production; explanation of the genre codes that you plan to incorporate, with reference to examples that have inspired you - include screenshots


(This is the Frank Ash advice)
A post like this 
or this

PLANNING: INITIAL IDEAS like this brainstorming 
or this which uses a smart-looking mind map
or this
and this 
and this

Guidance from CIE on making a film trailer from here the School Support Hub (Tenet 2020) (Sorry We Missed You 2019) (Emma 2020)

like this stylish presentation from Ben Tricklebank for his film A Young Man's Game on the Edinburgh Film Festival website. The presentation of the treatment inspired me with its clarity and organization. 
It was organised into sections:
  • The story
  • The film (several images)
  • Cast
  • Location
  • Wardrobe

PLANNING: LOCATION RECCE Post plus photos / screenshots / green screen ideas

PLANNING: BACKGROUND RESEARCH Your production may include topics or issues that send you off to research, such as - from what I have heard about current plans
  • 1950s boarding schools
  • school matrons
  • organ transplants / harvesting
  • luxurious health hotels
  • ghosts haunting historical mansions
  • the death of Princess Charlotte
  • German lullabies
  • wealthy women's clothes 150 years ago
  • horror film tropes

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