Friday, 10 December 2021


Prep for the weekend of Saturday 11 December 


You upload the most recent edit of your finished film opening then write the rest of the post that the moderator will see first.

These are examples of what you write: example 1, example 2, example 3


I worked with Alan Rickman 5678 and Emma Thompson 9357

Brief Option 2: A promotion package for a new film, to include two trailers (major task), together with an official social media page for the film and a poster for the film (minor tasks).  We made the promo pack for a thriller film  / psychological thriller film opening / comedy film / drama film /  'coming of age'  film / horror film entitled GROUND FLOOR /  DODGING A BULLET / OFF THE LEASH / TRU 2 U

I took responsibility for the camerawork, in particular, ....

I took responsibility for the directing of the scenes...

I took responsibility for set design, such as the protest boards....I sourced the materials and because I do DT at AL, I used the school DT studio for materials to... Together with Emma / Alan, I created the pinboard which is a key prop...... I made suggestions about lighting which we implemented, in particular, the lighting in the scene...

I took responsibility for the editing / editing the scenes in which... I edited in Final Cut Pro / Premiere Pro / iMovie. Particular challenges in my editing included....

I created the music for the final scene because I sing the track.... 

I designed and made the Production Company logo TFL PRODUCTIONS / SILVERSCREEN PRODUCTIONS / TENPIN PRODUCTIONS / PP PRODUCTIONS. I used Adobe Illustrator then edited the image in Premiere / I used Photoshop / I designed the image in Photoshop then took it into Premiere.

Thursday, 2 December 2021


  • We revised Stuart Hall and representation: he looked at the power of mainstream media in representing race, gender, class, ethnicity and religion. For Hall, these discourses are not innocent but disguise ideology: the media racialises crime, presents patriarchal narratives on gender and is guilty of 'othering' immigrants, Muslims and the poor.
  • Re-watch this presentation and make notes.
  • We then read Essential Media Theory (Mark Dixon p.65): Hall argues that stereotyping constructs closure and exclusion.
  • Then I screened an excellent trailer for MAN ON FIRE to remind you that trailers need to break away from linear editing: they should be more elliptical in their narrative, adventurous in their camerawork (canted angles), experimental (cross-dissolves, colour washes) and fast paced