Wednesday 19 January 2022


It is a new requirement for the syllabus to make a social media page as part of your promo pack. It can be live or embedded in templates. You have all chosen to make live social media some months ago.


  • As we no longer make a website, please add your research into websites into your Page SOCIAL MEDIA below the research on social media. Then delete the Page entitled WEBSITE.
  • Ensure that you have explained the importance of your chosen social media in promoting films in general and yours in particular.
  • Ensure that your social media feed is updated with recent content.
  • Check that the branding across your 3 products is cohesive: your film title must look the same across the three (film trailers, poster, social media feed).

The most recent Examiner's Report:

                            From the FDA Yearbook 2020

From the FDA Yearbook 2019

Audiences: social media traffic
Distributors' digital / online advertising spend


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