Friday 13 November 2020


Unexpectedly, you are all self-isolating at home. There are tasks for this week on the blog already (to be finished by today). Below is another aspect to bear in mind for when you eventually write your CCR, which is to be an extended essay for the first time. This aspect relates to how your product relates to social groups or issues.  

You can do a PLANNING post in Pinterest with the images plus, below, some extended (individual) writing about the social groups / issues, this afternoon. The post goes up in your main blog with the writing, but it is the writing alone that will appear in the CCR. Good to get both done in one go!

Below is the sequence of PLANNING posts that we undertake: you know the drill as we did this last year. Make a start at the top and work down. Put the word PLANNING in caps before each of the following:

AUDIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE Consult this blog post

TREATMENT Examples here

MY TARGET AUDIENCE example of a post here

CHARACTERS The exam board ask us to consider social groups and stereotypes. Examples of this post and here


RISK ASSESSMENT Once you know exactly what you are doing, assess the risks like this


PROPS Present this as you see fit, such as like this. If you have to construct props

STORYBOARD Examples here  and here

SHOT LIST Example here and here

CALL SHEET Example here

AUDIENCE Theory Slideshare like this (after we have had class teaching on this)

CONSTRUCTION: SHOOTS Great fun to report on your shoots (and later on your edits), explaining the challenges

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