Tuesday 23 June 2020


Work for Tuesday 23 June - we will do this together in class.

We need to do this task properly as it lies at the heart of your Advanced production marks.
Make a visual that really explains the difference between the main trailer, the teaser trailer and the TV spot for the movie Mr Holmes.
  • What is the film about?
  • Identify the differences
  • Pick screenshots to illustrate your points
  • Main trailer: 1.55 minutes
  • Teaser: 50 seconds
  • TV spot: 30 seconds
The Sherlock Holmes brand is the single most popular and successful UK literary brand. It is therefore essential for film-makers who capitalise on an already secure mainstream audience find a means of updating the formula. The differences between these three trailers demonstrate that successfully: it is pitched as both a familiar Sherlock crime drama and one that offers something fresh and exciting.

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