Wednesday 10 February 2021


Be specific and don't waste words on generalities or waffly introductions! Obviously you use the guidance below as a prompt rather than copying it.
Refer precisely to how these elements work in each product in your promo pack. (No need to use sub-headings yourself.)
My poster creates a sense of the thriller / horror genre through visual codes such as its colour tones and style, specifically...
The centre of visual interest is the main character / characters who appears as / is established as...
This image is gripping / compelling / intriguing / arresting / exciting because...
The location is conveyed by details such as....
The sense of drama / danger / tension is created through...
The film title arrests the attention because / through its....
The tagline attracts audience attention with the words.... which hook the audience because....
Star talent is placed clearly at the top
Essential information such as the release date, social media links and film website address are clearly displayed.
At the heart /centre of my promo pack are my trailers. They use thriller / horror / romantic comedy conventions through visual and sound codes such as...
My trailer introduces X and Y the central characters, presenting them as.../through scenes that are arresting, such as...
My audience can relate to / admire / feel sympathy for the characters because....
The central conflict / interest / issues in the trailer are conveyed when...
Sound is key / central / very significant in engaging our audience especially when / as .....
Key dialogue achieves....The trailer's editing builds to a climax through
Inter-titles such as "........."    engage the audience because it explains /promises / hints at / draws attention to...
My website landing page has a strong impact because of its visuals which include...
The image is arresting because....
The film's genre and synopsis are clearly presented through...
My website invites audiences to use it because it is easy to navigate as it has tabs that open to link...
The gallery shows interesting photographs of...
The cast list looks professional with ...
My website offers several interactive features like....
Reviews, accolades and pull quotes such as up my film's credentials and reassure audiences about the film's quality /audience pleasures

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