Thursday 11 February 2021


This is the final part of your 1,000 word essay for the CCR.
As well as this guidance shortly, there are many good examples on last year's student blogs. I have taken the guidance below from the CIE handbook and the screenshot on trailers from The Film Space resource.

TRAILERS What is your film genre and what aspects of relevant film trailers did you find inspiring? Identify specific aspects / name the film trailers. Remember that the CIE specified some of the trailers that you analysed.
Do your trailers feature the conventions in the attached image on trailer codes and conventions?
In order to achieve success at this higher level, learners should consider the following questions when
creating their film trailers for this promotion package:
 how can you utilise the depth of focus to improve the impact of your trailer?
 is the lighting correct for the atmosphere you want to create?
 how can you use mise en scene or movement in the foreground or background to make your trailer
 do you create, but not resolve, an enigma in your trailer?
 how does your trailer fit the conventions of its genre?
 is it clear who your target audience is?
 do your trailers demonstrate continuity in terms of sound, settings and mise en scene?
 how many sequences are usually included in a trailer and how many seconds long is the ideal?
 do your trailers demonstrate a high level of technical competence and a secure awareness of the
conventions of film trailers?
 how does the trailer link to the website and/or print promotion material?
Using the recommended range of trailers above to answer these questions will offer an insight into the
potential for exampling a higher level of technical competence in the learners production work.

the narrative contained in the film poster (and links to the trailer content)
 the colour palette used; the generic conventions
 the written codes
 mise en scene and the layout (considering the priority given to key images).

Technical competency at this advanced level should begin to embrace the functional aspect
of websites, interactivity and hyperlinks to other relevant material. (Films/Books/Reviews/Cinema Screenings
etc.). Convergence of media forms also needs to be considered as part of these linked productions, as such
website design and links to the other products in this package should be apparent.

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