Thursday 16 September 2021


We look at case studies related to the advertising industry. You all have a PP which you have saved on your desktop in the folder MEDIA REGULATION. (Please don't share the PP as it is someone's intellectual property)

Advertising is regulated by the ASA . Here is the ASA website.

Useful terminology here: codes, rulings, compliant and non-compliant,  sanctions
An example of 'non broadcast' is print advertising. 'Broadcast' refers to TV, radio.

We cover these case studies in the PP (slides 110 - 136):


Boca toothpaste

MiuMiu, Gucci, YSL, Dolce and Gabbana


BMW, Jaguar XE

Kazam Slimphone

VIP cigarettes

Pick your own fresh case studies.

A good place to look is here - look under issues and topics



Influencers who break non-disclosure rules


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