Monday 13 September 2021


The FDA tells us that trailers are shown at the cinema, on TV and online with poster campaigns and radio campaigns also giving wide coverage for new film releases. 

Dedicated trailer sites and official film websites often carry trailers that have been cut for a general audience and are suitable for viewers of any age, whereas trailers shown in the cinema usually correspond to the classification of the film being screened.

Trailers in different media:

After discussion, I decided that ... (You need to open and study the worksheets to complete this part).

  • cinema - watching trailers in the cinema is especially good because the trailer will usually...
  • television - I tend not to watch the whole trailer on tv as I use the ad break to chat and make a drink
  • websites - ........
  • DVD - .......
  • social media - .....
In a video presentation, Dan Skinner of the FDA explains how the style of a trailer is affected by a number of factors including where it will be seen, who by and for how long. 

  • The teaser trailer is shorter, less story-focussed...
  • The main trailer
  • TV spots: when people watch TV they do not usually concentrate during the ad breaks, but more people watch TV than go to the cinema.
  • Using graphics 
  • Trailers in the digital age

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