Wednesday 22 September 2021


We read the editorial from The Sunday Times (19.09.21) after listening to the Radio 4 Today broadcast. 

Our PREP is written lower down (post on GoogleClassroom by Sunday 26 September please).

This content has themes relating to self-harm.

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PREP below: please post on Google Classroom by Sunday 26 September


Consider the contents of The Times editorial in the light of the following question. Use the bullet points to help you. 

‛New media require new forms of regulation.̕ To what extent do you agree with this statement? [15]  

  • identify which media are the subjects of discussion
  • state what content is under discussion
  • identify 2 relevant case studies 
  • name the regulatory body and the legislation that will address online harms
  • what does the Times call " a watchdog lacking teeth"?
  • quote from a voice of authority condemning the revelations
  • quote from Instagram's internal admissions admitting guilt
  • What is meant by the comment of Julian Knight, chairman of the Commons digital, culture, media and sport committee:  "They can't be allowed to mark their own homework."

 You can use this as a starting point and add more ideas and case studies if you like.

For example, the publications from the government (screenshot below) and the lesson that is on the class blog taken from the Radio 4 Today programme


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