Thursday 9 September 2021


I looked at three trailers on the Teaching Trailers resource supplied by the FDA online in order to further my understanding of why trailers are made and how they signal the film's genre.

The trailers that I viewed:

ARTEMIS FOWL came across as a children's fantasy film because the central character was a confident, assertive child who  sets off on a daring adventure to discover dark truths and who seemed to swagger his way through the scene. The quest theme is a typical narrative trope in action adventure films, this one embroidered by fantasy and magic.
The film exploited children's love of magic and adventure in its beautiful sets and its scenes of fantastic transformations such as the magical set-piece scene in which an old woman transforms into a beautiful sprite capable of flying into the air, dressed in flowing white robes. Trailers like this appeal to both girls and boys. The trailer also showcases many special effects, suggesting that the boy will be given special magical powers, which would appeal to children.

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